Hello everybody my name is Jake Smith. I have just been added to the Capvision family and I am extremely proud to be here at Capital University. I will usually post blog discussing old movies from the early 40s to the late 70s. The first film on my list to discuss is Woody Allen's Manhattan. First I would like to give you a brief insight into Allen's humor. He uses many psychoanalytical references in his works. This is particularly due to the fact that he has undergone this psychological practice for nearly 30 years. In addition, many of Allen's works stick to what are called, "pure comedies" which Allen has gained from the influence of the Marx Brothers and other 1930's comedy routines. Manhattan is extremely witty and clever. Starring Woody Allen, Meryl Streep,Diane Keaton, and Michael Murphy; Manhattan brings to life the glamour and unprecedented feel of an uptight New Yorker whose goal is to be a successful television writer but is blundered by his ex-wife's attempt to publish a novel dealing with Issac's(Allen) and Jill's(Streep) relationship. In addition, Issac's new relationship partner, a young, talented 17 year old high school student named Tracy(Hemingway) becomes more and more intimate and regular. Issac feels that Tracy should wait to live her life before becoming more involved with the older, 42 year old Isaac. Just to add to the mix of drama, Issac's best friend Yale(Murphy) falls in love with an extremely critical ,egotistical, Philadelphian named Mary(Keaton) who officially becomes his mistress. Both Issac and Mary meet at an art gallery in Manhattan and the rest is for you to find out.
Manhattan was beautifully shot in 2:35:1 wide screen. This allows for the total experience of New York's Manhattan side and prevents the blown up"pan and scan" leaving out key elements for New York's wide shots. In addition, the props and overall scenery are executed and placed perfectly. The cities lights and planet exhibits that Isaac and Mary tour are absolutely beautiful. But don't take my word for it, go see the movie for yourself. You can preview videos of Manhattan at the bottom of my site.