BAND: Stuck By Lightning - Myspace
ALBUM: Serpents (2009)
LABEL: Translation Loss Records
RATING: 8/10
FAVORITE TRACK: Becoming Earth
SIMILAR: Mastodon, High On Fire, Disfear
REVIEWER: Zach Roesch

Columbus natives, Struck by Lightning, come with no hidden agendas or strings attached. If you want fast and heavy music, you’ve come to the right place. Drawing influence from early Mastodon and High on Fire, the band’s musical chops are not beating a new path. However, they are certainly tearing that path to shreds. With a mix of sludgy and intelligent guitar riffing, their punk infused anthems make listeners want to sing along.
The debut album is an amazing start; something not many bands can say. This is most likely due to singer/guitarist Greg Lahm’s presence. As a previous member of fellow Translation Loss band, Mouth of the Architect, musical success is nothing new. It is also obvious where Struck by Lightning got their sludgy side; seeing as Mouth of the Architect is the new wave of slowed down metal.
The only down-side to this amazing album is its lack of depth. Pretty much all of the tracks give the same feel. They only venture into new fields in a couple tracks (Becoming Earth/Collection of Teeth). Everything else is fairly similar. If Struck by Lightning could somehow find a way to keep their full-force metal driving and change things up every now and then, they would accomplish a perfect 10.
Bottom Line: Struck by Lightning have showed what they are made of. Their debut album “Serpents” is a huge first step. The album drives with its d-beat anthems and sludgy choruses. However, if they could find a way to make things more interesting, they will strike musical gold.
Track Listing:
01. Silent and Still
02. Nothing Sacred
03. The Watchful Eye
04. Supercell
05. Widowmaker
06. Tightening the Noose
07. Becoming Earth
08. Bottomless Pit
09. Collection of Teeth
10. False Hope
11. The Herd